According to an African Development Bank (AfDB) August 2022 press release, addressing the delays in AfDB-funded projects in Uganda and accelerating project implementation will now be possible. Addressing the delays will take place through a new digital data collection tool or platform called: Remote Appraisal, Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation (RASME).
Challenges of data collection in Uganda
“One of the challenges we face in Uganda in data collection is that, whereas data may be sent electronically to Bank staff, the data is only accessible to the recipient of the email, who can choose whether or not to share it with others. With RASME, once the data is collected and uploaded in the system, it will be accessible to anyone that has access to the system, irrespective of their location,” said Milly Chesire, the Principal Country Programme Officer in the Uganda office of the African Development Bank.
RASME implementation
According to the same release, RASME is currently being implemented in 11 African countries, including Uganda. In addition to the specific issue of project delays, the overall aim is to improve the effectiveness of AfDB-financed projects on the continent.
“The African Development Bank has projects spread across vast geographical regions in Uganda. So, the launch of RASME is truly a game-changer for us. It will help us track the status of our projects across the country in just a few seconds, through both written and visual updates, thereby increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of our delivery,” said Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, the African Development Bank Country Manager for Uganda.
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