Infrastructure Investments in Nigeria and South Africa

8 Jun 2022

ABiQ provides a comparative overview of infrastructure investments in Nigeria and South Africa. 

Infrastructure investments in Nigeria

Nigeria’s ongoing or current investment in infrastructure is approximately $138,193 million. Nigeria’s upcoming infrastructure investment is estimated at $94,162 million, about 70% of ongoing investment.

Across Nigeria, infrastructure investments and development projects highlight a deep public and private sector commitment towards improving access towards affordable, reliable electricity. A quick breakdown of infrastructure investments in Nigeria shows that:

  • Oil & Gas projects dominate the market, with current projects accounting for 46.48% of the market. Upcoming infrastructure investment in Oil & Gas projects account for 48% of the market.   
  • Transportation then follows at 36.8%.
  • Energy accounts for 7.85% of the infrastructure investment into current projects. In terms of upcoming investments into infrastructure projects, however, Energy accounts for 24.49%.
  • Construction projects for current infrastructure investments take up 6% of the market.

Infrastructure investments in South Africa 

Infrastructure investment into South African projects is essential, to drive economic development and socio economic upliftment. Across South Africa: 

  • Construction projects dominate the market, accounting for two-thirds of all infrastructure investments, and ranking at approximately 65%. In terms of upcoming infrastructure investment, however, Construction projects only account for 30% of the market. 
  • Energy infrastructure investments currently account for 30% of the market. Looking ahead, however, Energy projects are set to dominate more of the market, with 37% of future infrastructure investment devoted to this sector. 
  • Transportation follows with just a 2.47% share of the market. That said, upcoming infrastructure investments in the Transportation sector leap ahead, and are set to account for 29% of future projects. 
  • Oil & Gas projects that are planned for South Africa take up 4.79% of the upcoming infrastructure investments in the country. This suggests a growing interest in this sector. 

Notably, ongoing and upcoming infrastructure investments in South Africa are not the same in terms of USD value, listed at USD 116,460 million and USD 107,897 million respectively.

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