US government approves $5 million grant to support the fight against methane gas emissions in Africa

Sep 19, 2022

By katana, ABiQ

By katana, ABiQ

According to an African Development Bank (AfDB) September 2022 press release, the US government, through its special envoy, John Kerry, has announced that it is supporting the African Development Bank in its fight against methane emissions across the continent with a $5 million grant. The grant was created in response to the adverse effects of climate change in Africa.

The acting chief economist, Kevin Urama, said that Africa was losing up to 15% of its GDP per capita each year resulting from the effects of climate change. 

The Global Methane Pledge

“More than 25 countries on the continent have joined the Global Methane Pledge, a resounding level of support for the importance of methane in keeping 1.5 degrees within reach. I am very pleased that the African Development Bank is responding to the increased global attention on methane emissions and is planning to increase their own focus on methane abatement in coming years,” said John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. 

The AfDB intends to encourage African countries to include methane in their nationally defined contributions (NDCs):

“With the support of the U.S. government, and other donors and non-state actors, we intend to create a dedicated pillar of activities within our Africa Climate Change Fund to support methane abatement including working with countries to include methane in their Nationally Defined Contributions and develop pipelines of methane abatement projects for further investment,” said Kevin Kariuki, African Development Bank Vice President for Power, Energy, Climate and Green Growth.

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