Sub-Saharan Africa has more than $108 billion in active mining and industrial projects. Most are new mining developments worth more than $42 billion. South Africa has the largest pipeline, with 16.95% or $18.3 billion of active mining and industrial projects.
Sub-Sahara Africa investing $11 billion in new hospitals
New hospitals with a value of $11 billion are active. $6.4 billion is currently under construction, and $4.8 billion is in design.
The Lusophone Development Compact will receive a €400 million boost from the Portuguese government and the AfDB
According to an African Development Bank (AfDB) September 2022 press release, the AfDB and Portugal have signed a €400 million guarantee agreement to finance private sector initiatives and public-private partnership (PPPs) projects in Portuguese-speaking African member countries.
Project Finance in a Nutshell
Project finance for large infrastructure is widely used in western developed countries. It represented more than $2 trillion of investments globally between 2003-2013; only around 3 per cent of this amount was dedicated to sub-Saharan Africa.
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