PPP in Africa

Thank you for attending our webinar on ‘PPP Opportunities and Challenges in Africa’. We hope you found the discussion informative. For those of you who were not able to join us, you can watch the recording of the webinar on this page. If you have any questions for the panelists, please send them to us at info@abiq.io and we will try our best to get them answered.

If you would like to be a part of our next webinar or promote your business, please send an email at info@abiq.io and we will get in touch.

Webinar Details

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Africa was working on aligning infrastructure capacity with its growing economy and population. With balance sheets decimated by the impact of COVID-19, Africa is left with limited options to fund much-needed critical infrastructure.

Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) is potentially an effective solution to develop critical infrastructure with the Private sector bringing expertise and efficiency as well as much-needed funding. To discuss PPP opportunities and challenges in Africa, ABiQ hosted a webinar with industry leaders including: 

  • Christopher Kirigua, Director General, Public Private Partnership – Government of Kenya
  • David Baxter, Sustainable PPP and Development Consultant, Steering Committee Member of the World Assoc. of PPP Units & Professionals

About ABiQ

With Africa deeply embedded in our roots, ABiQ is committed to supporting the growth of the African economy. Africa is a land of opportunities and ABiQ can help you with your growth plans for the region.

With our unique networking tool, you can:

  • Track projects in Africa, UAE, and Saudi Arabia worth over $4.5 Trillion
  • Access over a million companies in Africa and the Middle East
  • Access Company shareholders, subsidiaries, and detailed contact information
  • Connect with decision-makers and grow your business in Africa and the Middle East
  • Drive your growth strategy across all 54 African countries

ABiQ tracks projects worth over $4.5 Trillion in Africa, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Book a free demo now or register here to get free access to a light version of our platform. 

Sectors we cover

New Mines In North Africa

New Mines In North Africa

New mines in North Africa account for 62% of Industrial activity, which totals $14 billion in active projects. Algeria is North Africa's busiest market for new mining and industrial projects. The North African country has almost 50% or $7 billion of new industrial and mining projects. Egypt is in second place, with 44% of the active mining and industrial projects.