Egypt to supply 60 MW of electricity to Sudan

Egypt to supply 60 MW of electricity to Sudan

Over the next decade, ABiQ predicts that Sudan will need an additional 400 MW of electricity to maintain the current access for its ever-growing population.  An agreement with Egypt will see Sudan benefit from an additional 60 MW through the connection of the two...
Billions of US $ needed in West Africa by 2030

Billions of US $ needed in West Africa by 2030

West Africa currently has a population of approximately 400 million people across its 17 countries. To give you some context, this is more than the total population of the United States of America.  By 2030, ABiQ estimates West Africa’s population will grow by around...
East African oil and gas update

East African oil and gas update

In recent years, East Africa has seen an increase in oil and gas finds. From Uganda to Mozambique,but each come with their own set of challenges.   Some of the most prolific projects announced are in Mozambique where mega consortia have formed and are about to develop...
Health and education growth in South Africa

Health and education growth in South Africa

Healthcare Like many parts of the world, South Africa is currently on lockdown to try and decrease the chances of COVID-19 spreading throughout the region. Or flatten the curve as we’re so often told.  There are roughly 3.2 million people older than 65 matching the...